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Wanganui Model Yacht Club

The Wanganui Model Yacht Club is currently only 4 strong, but sail every week on Sundays 1.00pm to 4.00pm depending on wind strength and inclement weather.

The club currently has access to two locations for sailing;

Lake Kohata

Lake Kohata is a small lake with no direct public access. It is situated city side of Lake Wiritoa, and is accessed across a couple of paddocks with a drive down a cattle race.
They utilize this location from October/November through to the end March, then vacate to allow duck shooters to have their day. This location may soon close because of lifestyle blocks being built around the lake. The Queens chain applies, but access through someone’s back garden may not go down to well.

Lake Kohata Location Map

Virginia Lake

Virginia Lake is located on Great North Road, heading North out of the city. They use this location for the remaining months of the year.
They sail EC12's for the first Sunday of each month, and sail IOM's the remaining weeks.

Virginia Lake Location Map

Lake Kohata has no trees around it and can be relied upon for fair wind conditions, Virginia Lake is the opposite and is surrounded by large trees and this effects the wind conditions and directions dramatically.



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